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A Newfoundland Photography and Knitting Blog by Betty Nolan

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Let's Start Again, Ellen!

You know how you can have a picture of how something should look in your mind but when you do it, it doesn't come out quite like you planned? That's what happened with the piece of knitting you see below. The vision in my head was of a bustier with buttons in the front part way down attached to a fancy crochet band, black ribbon around the top and at the waist and maybe straps - wasn't sure about the straps. Anyway, in my head this was a beautiful garment, however I failed to do the tension swatch first. (Yes, I do know better!) But, the yarn is 100% silk and I wanted to start something right away!

After I had the lace border knit I realized that this was not going to be a bustier because it was too heavy, so decided that it could be a capelet. After reaching the part where the decreases for the shoulders had to be worked out, I put in the effort and worked out that part, then thought that if it was a capelet, I should have worked the front bands in with the garment. At this point it's annoying me a bit and I can't get any satisfaction from looking at it. The only thing it had going for it was that it felt awesome!

Seeing I wanted to have a nice day, I dressed Ellen up with the capelet-to-be, took a few pictures of her in it and promptly took it to my yarn winder, worked some magic, turned it back into 2 balls of yarn, and got on with my day. Experience is a wonderful teacher!

On the brighter side, I had to go down Quidi Vidi way today and there's a very large iceberg(s) (not sure if it's one or two)  blocking the sea entrance. Forgot my camera, so had to use the phone to take pictures.  They are a bit grainy but you get the picture. :-)

People viewing icebergs are funny to watch (myself included). It's like some sort of pilgrimage. "Everyone" has to go take a look and grab a few shots. Quidi Vidi Village was abuzz today with people - all talking to each other like they were best friends yet some of them had never met before today.  
Like they say, "Only in Newfoundland!"

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