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A Newfoundland Photography and Knitting Blog by Betty Nolan

Monday, April 30, 2012

Bring Back Your Woolly Socks, Ellen!

That's what Ellen and I did this morning! We awoke to a very snowy day. John had to run out early and invited me along to get a few snaps. Had to take him up on that offer! We went to Bowring Park. Even though it's April 30th and I'd rather be spreading lawn seed, the snow is still pretty. When I got my feet wet because I wore sneakers instead of boots, I quickly wanted to go home though. Very thankful to have home knit socks that my Mom made for me a few years ago. Give them back Ellen!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Would Blow the Wool Off a Sheep, Ellen!

That's how windy it was today when we were out! Beautiful day but Ellen didn't 'stand' a chance. We did take her with us just in case we found a nice sheltered spot, so she did get a day out, but had to do the modelling at home.

Ellen is modelling a cotton/acrylic machine knit dress with a crocheted belt and crocheted edgings. It's knit from Berlini Smile (50% cotton/50% acrylic). There's glass beads on the ends of the belt. The dress comes with a cover up that is machine knit (crocheted edgings) with Knit Picks Shimmer (70% baby Alpaca/30% silk). This is a lace weight yarn that knits up quickly and easily. When crocheting the tail of the cover up I intentionally added stitches to make it flare a little. It feels like a web.

Today we went to CBS for a quick run, then went Downtown St. John's. It was 5C but with the wind being high, it felt a lot colder. When I took the last picture in this post beside the Visitor Centre on Signal Hill Road, I had trouble holding the camera steady. Lots of people out and about though - even doing the Signal Hill Trail!

Field in Conception Bay South. Couldn't explore too much - kinda marshy.

Leaves are coming out early this year.

Beautiful sky.

Even St. John's Harbour was a little rough today.

Seagulls relaxing in an empty parking lot. The Xs in the photo is the chain link fence.

Sun on rope always catches my eye.

I like the name of this vessel.

Our National Flag flying proudly on the Ville de Quebec frigate in the Harbour.
(Click on Ville de Quebec above to see Wiki info on the frigate.)

Fort Amherst from Signal Hill

Brave soul finishing the Trail walk. See the white tops on the waves?

Cabot Tower. See the unicyclist on the pathway?

View of St. John's Harbour from the Visitor Centre.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

No Canoe For You, Ellen!

Friday evening my brother, Tom, called to ask if I'd like to join him in his canoe for an evening on a pond somewhere on the Salmonier Line. Well he didn't have to ask twice! John was away so I quickly found my rubber boots and headed to the place where he asked me to meet him. 

I took a pocket camera because I didn't want to go trotting off to meet Brother with big camera and gear. Wouldn't want him to be put off from asking me out again! 

The scenery was the same as that which surrounds most Newfoundland wilderness ponds, which is rugged but beautiful; rocks in the middle of the pond with trees growing out the side of them, little waterfalls coming out of the woods and with no wind the Pond was like a mirror.

As we went around the Pond in the canoe, Tom showed me all the nooks and crannies of the place. Just when I thought we were at the end and would have to turn around, Tom maneuvered the canoe to show me a small waterway that linked to another pond! So neat! We parked the canoe and walked in the woods for a bit. We even saw moose tracks! No moose though. At the end of the waterway there is a ramp for boats to launch into the next pond, and there's a winch hooked up to a tree to help on the way out. Some people think of everything!

Oh yes! Friday morning I had the opportunity to revisit Quidi Vidi. I was determined to find out if there was one iceberg or two. Seems like two is the answer unless they are joined under the water. I got a bit closer than I did on Thursday, so thought I'd upload a couple of those pictures. I went early morning to avoid heavy traffic but there were people there ahead of me.

And, seeing Ellen had to stay home all week, I knit a summer top for her to model. The top is machine knit with Berlini Smile (50% cotton, 50% acrylic) with crocheted edgings. Ellen modelled that this afternoon in the backyard. I did some gardening today so Ellen came out with me for a bit.

Heading up the Pond

Exploring the edges of the Pond. Small waterfall to the left. It sounded much bigger.

Waterway to next pond

Ramp at the end of waterway

Beautiful sunset.

Heading back toward our vehicles

Two icebergs (and a man)

A little closer

Iceberg visitors balancing on the sea wall

Quidi Vidi beach, some fishermen sheds and new homes

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Let's Start Again, Ellen!

You know how you can have a picture of how something should look in your mind but when you do it, it doesn't come out quite like you planned? That's what happened with the piece of knitting you see below. The vision in my head was of a bustier with buttons in the front part way down attached to a fancy crochet band, black ribbon around the top and at the waist and maybe straps - wasn't sure about the straps. Anyway, in my head this was a beautiful garment, however I failed to do the tension swatch first. (Yes, I do know better!) But, the yarn is 100% silk and I wanted to start something right away!

After I had the lace border knit I realized that this was not going to be a bustier because it was too heavy, so decided that it could be a capelet. After reaching the part where the decreases for the shoulders had to be worked out, I put in the effort and worked out that part, then thought that if it was a capelet, I should have worked the front bands in with the garment. At this point it's annoying me a bit and I can't get any satisfaction from looking at it. The only thing it had going for it was that it felt awesome!

Seeing I wanted to have a nice day, I dressed Ellen up with the capelet-to-be, took a few pictures of her in it and promptly took it to my yarn winder, worked some magic, turned it back into 2 balls of yarn, and got on with my day. Experience is a wonderful teacher!

On the brighter side, I had to go down Quidi Vidi way today and there's a very large iceberg(s) (not sure if it's one or two)  blocking the sea entrance. Forgot my camera, so had to use the phone to take pictures.  They are a bit grainy but you get the picture. :-)

People viewing icebergs are funny to watch (myself included). It's like some sort of pilgrimage. "Everyone" has to go take a look and grab a few shots. Quidi Vidi Village was abuzz today with people - all talking to each other like they were best friends yet some of them had never met before today.  
Like they say, "Only in Newfoundland!"